>CEiMB: Aromatic Noodles with Lime-Peanut Sauce


This weeks recipe for Craving Ellie in my Belly was picked by MrsBethORama of Supplious. I must say: what a great way to get back to cooking Ellie-recipes! I totally forgot last weeks assignment and felt so guilty in doing so.
You see, I try to justify all the sweets I bake and eat (although I try to limit myself to 1 piece every time) with the fact that I also cook something healthy every week. For the last 4 weeks I hadn’t been doing CEiMB and I really needed to get back to it since the last couple of weeks were spent preparing for my 30th birthday party (where lots of tasting was necessary) and on vacation in Canada enjoying everything that’s wrong, e.g. French Vanilla-flavoured Cappucino’s and Cinnamon Raisin Bagels (toasted and buttered) at Tim Horton’s, Caramel Latte Machiato’s at Starbucks, etc. So getting back on track was sort of important 😉
This dish is delicious and easy to put together. I only used 250 grams of spaghetti instead of the entire . I used a bit more veggies and forgot to buy the peanuts so couldn’t serve them with this dish. In all I got 4 servings out of this dish, my veggie to pasta ratio was probably a bit higher than intended, but veggies are good for you, right? Without peanuts one of my servings contains 8 WW Points, with peanuts that would be 9 WW Point per serving.
Check out what my fellow Ellie-istas thought of this recipe here and stay tuned for next weeks CEiMB-recipe: Oven Baked Onion Rings
Thanks for all the comments on the chopsticks, I love to eat Oriental food with chopsticks so I thought I might as well add them to the photoshoot. I have several chopsticks, these are the newest and I love them as they have tiny purple flowers on them!

8 Responses to “>CEiMB: Aromatic Noodles with Lime-Peanut Sauce”

  1. Peggy Says:

    >Love you chopsticks. You always do a great job with the photos. Didn't you love this dish? We did.

  2. Craving Ellie in My Belly Says:

    >Looks great, this was a great dish to start up again with! Easy and delicious. Love the chopsticks. -Sara

  3. applecrumbles Says:

    >That looks great. I love your photos.

  4. Pamela Says:

    >Great pictures! I really enjoyed this recipe and was full from the serving size. Totally worth the WW points, in my opinion! Great job.

  5. farah Says:

    >I really liked this too :)Yours looks delicious!

  6. Maria Salomon Says:

    >chopsticks made the pic…..we loved this dish!

  7. Alyssa Says:

    >Enjoyed the photos and really liked how you added chopsticks.Yes, veggies are good for you!

  8. Leslie Says:

    >I love how you upped the veggie ratio; that's a great way to make this recipe even healthier. Your photos are superb!

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