>TWD: Chocolate Chunkers


Oh my God!!! That’s my first reaction after tasting these cookies. If like cookies, you’re going to love these cookies! If you’re a chocoholic, you’re really going to love these cookies! If you’re a browniedan, you’re definetely going to love these cookies! Thank you Claudia of Fool for Food, for picking this recipe!

Since I get a headache from bittersweet chocolate I only used this for the melting chocolate part. For the chunks of chocolate in these Chunkers I used milk chocolate and white chocolate. Besides all of the chocolate I also opted to use pecans and golden raisins.

I must admit: I had my worries when I saw the batter after adding all the chocolate, pecans and raisins. I couldn’t imagine that this lumpy mess would be cookies that would hold their shape. But they turned out great!!

To protect myself from eating all the Chocolate Chunkers I took them to work. My colleagues absolutely adored them: the entire tin was empty by 2 pm!! Some reactions were: OMG, this is the best cookie ever!! What are you doing to us? Where can I buy these cookies? How can I get my fix after you leave? (I got a new job and start there the 3rd of November… I think some of my colleagues are actually going to miss the baking more than they are going to miss me!! ;))

Since my crappy old camera refuses to cooperate with me right now my pictures will follow later. (Don’t get too excited, they will look horrible and very dark as it is a really crappy camera!!! :()

Check out the results of my co-bakers at TWD. If you want to start making these wonderful recipes, please consider buying Baking:From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan. So far it is the best cookbook that I have bought!!

Dad’s verdict: 9,5 out of 10.

N.B. Out of all the pictures I took only one is OK enough to be published…. But still crappy!!!

33 Responses to “>TWD: Chocolate Chunkers”

  1. Nickki Says:

    >Hi Marthe, thanks for stopping by on the Claytons blog and leaving a comment :)Weren’t these cookies amazing? I still can’t get over the amount of chocolate in them! I’m really glad I made them though. I bet your colleagues are going to really miss you when you leave!

  2. Lori Says:

    >actually, it’s hard to take a great photo of these cookies anyway, even with a good camera! they just don’t look as good as they taste. i guess your new colleagues don’t even know what they’re in for….you + baking!

  3. SiHaN Says:

    >i can feel your excitement despite the lack of photos. These were really good weren’t they? i totally love the fact that they were so much like brownies instead of cookies.lucky colleagues!!!

  4. SiHaN Says:

    >lucky colleagues you have there.great description without the photo too. i can only imagine them to be awesome. Nothing short of a miracle

  5. Natashya Says:

    >How wonderful of you to treat your coworkers. TWD will also be a great way to break the ice with your new coworkers this fall – have a great time in your new job!

  6. Marie Says:

    >These cookies sounded like something I would really enjoy, being a chocolate fanatic myself, however my husband hates chocolate so I had to pass this week. I’m glad you enjoyed them! I find chocolate anything very difficult to take a picture of by the way!

  7. Pamela Says:

    >Hmmmm…sounds like you could make some spare cash by supplying your soon to former co-workers with some cookies! I really enjoyed these!

  8. Prudy Says:

    >Wounds like they were a hit at work. Sorry your camera wasn’t working, but even your description of those yummy cookies is picture enough.

  9. Engineer Baker Says:

    >Protection from these was definitely necessary – I foisted mine off on others as well 🙂

  10. Cathy Says:

    >I totally shared your reaction to these cookies — they were phenomenal, especially if you love chocolate! Sorry about your camera, but like other posters said, these cookies really weren’t much to look at, anyway! Glad you loved them!

  11. MacDuff Says:

    >I brought them in for my coworkers, and they said the same things! What are you doing to us??? can we have the recipe? We are seriously the most valuable employees ever.

  12. Anne Says:

    >I’m glad you liked them, they look wonderful and I can see you co workers will sure miss you! Great job!

  13. Madam Chow Says:

    >Marthe, I’m so glad your co-workers liked the cookies! You are a generous soul – I only share these with family and close friends!Madam Chowhttp://www.mzkitchen.com

  14. PANTRY REVISITED by Peggy Says:

    >I agree with you that these cookies were amazing!

  15. Cristine Says:

    >These cookies are awesome!!! Glad you liked them, too!

  16. Maci Says:

    >Probably my favorite cookie! I had the same reaction when I ate mine =)

  17. Flourchild Says:

    >I sooo agree with you the cookies rocked. My husband keeps asking me when I am making them again. Im going to make that plum cake first!

  18. Jamie Says:

    >Funny, I also took these to work in an attempt to protect myslef!!! 🙂

  19. Annette Says:

    >OMG! That was my reaction too. I love these cookies. I also used pecans and golden raisins. :)I also wanted to say thank you for commenting on my first TWD post. I seriously thought no one was reading, in reality I didn’t set my blog to notify me when comments were posted. Oops.

  20. Di Says:

    >It sounds like everyone really enjoyed these. I usually have a number of places that I can take extra baked goods so I don’t eat them all, but I’m away from home right now, so I’ve eaten way too many. =)

  21. TeaLady Says:

    >Your cookies SOUND really good. Waiting for the pics.

  22. Melissa Says:

    >Good idea to bring these to work. They are really going to miss you!

  23. Lauren Says:

    >these cookies were amazing, I agree.

  24. kim Says:

    >glad you loved them, so did i! 🙂 good luck getting the camera working!

  25. LyB Says:

    >Yeah, I sent most of them off to work with my better half, just too much chocolate for me. I never thought it possible! lol!

  26. CB Says:

    >LOL @ collegues missing your baked goods! Thats how I felt when I left my job. Glad everyone enjoyed this cookie recipe! Great job!Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  27. Barbara Says:

    >Glad you liked them! So did we!

  28. The DeL Sisters Says:

    >Glad everyone loved them!

  29. Jessica Eiden Says:

    >Not a crappy photo – your cookies look great!These were very tasty!

  30. Liz Says:

    >Ha, I have definitely had jobs where coworkers like my baking more than they liked me! (But it all evened out, because I usually liked the fact that I could dump my baking off on them more than I liked them.) These weren’t the most photogenic cookies anyhow, but at least they made up for it in taste!

  31. Jacque Says:

    >Oooh, don’t you hate when the pictures don’t turn out? Too bad we don’t all have a professional photographer at our disposal.Anyway, I’m glad you liked them! I agree, the batter was unusual.

  32. Karen Says:

    >You picture looks fine! 🙂 It was necessary to share these wasn’t it? I know I made myself sick eating so many of them!

  33. Kait Says:

    >I was worried about the batter too, but they turned out wonderfully, didn’t they? I can still see how yummy yours looked.

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