>TWD: Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops

>Yum, it’s Tuesday again!! ( O well, it’s actually Wednesday but I had some technical difficulties with my Internet yesterday, so I wasn’t able to post earlier) Time for my next Tuesday With Dorie challenge: this week featuring Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops, picked by Rachel of Confessions of a Tangerine Tart

So first this recipe had me searching all over the Internet to find out what Whoppers are. Here in Holland Whoppers are Hamburges you can buy at Burger King, but I was sure this had nothing to do with cookies… Finally I found out that Whoppers are similar to Maltesers, fortunately those are available in Holland!!

On to the next one: what the *%$# is Malted Milk? I had never heared of it before… Another look at the TWD site informed me that I could also use Nesquik, so that’s what I looked for in the supermarket. Three different kinds of Nesquik??? Chocolate, strawberry and banana?? I thought banana would be a great combo with all the chocolate that would be used, so on I went to the cash register.

With all the ingredients sought out and at home I could finally start baking. This recipe is really easy, and must be fun to make with your kids (because I don’t have kids, I wasn’t able to test this idea….) I substituted half of the bittersweet chocolate with milk chocolate, simply because I’m not a huge fan of bittersweet chocolate: I find that it is overpowering and it also gives me migraines….

These cookies are very very nice: cakelike and fluffy in the center with crunchy edges, the banana taste was nice and subtle. I couldn’t find any Maltesers in the cookies though, I must have cut them too small: next time I’ll just halve them.

P.S.1. I forgot to take pictures after baking the Drops….. Because my coworkers have eaten them all I can’t take any pictures now… Sorry….. 🙂

P.S.2 Please forgive me for the horrible pictures, I am using this really old digital camera at the moment, still have to buy a new one after my one-year-old camera was distroyed by suitcases falling on top of my handluggage 😦

7 Responses to “>TWD: Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops”

  1. Cathy Says:

    >Phew, good thing you didn’t go with Burger King whoppers! Although these did seem to work with lots of interesting variations! Your dough pictures are great — many people thought the dough was the best part anyway!!

  2. Michelle Ioapo A'etonu Says:

    >thanks so much for your comment and for helping to make my first week of TWD exciting!

  3. n.o.e Says:

    >Great job, even with a non-cooperating computer and the 2nd string camera! Your cookies look great, and I’ll be that banana was interesting.Nancy

  4. Jacque Says:

    >I admire you for figuring out all of the substitutions required. It’s tough when ingredients aren’t universal.They look like they must have turned out perfect.LOL, we have the Burger King variety of Whoppers too… even a Whopper Junior.

  5. Peabody Says:

    >Always a good sign when there aren’t any to take pictures of because everyone ate them.

  6. Steph Says:

    >The chocolate banana combination sounds delicious! I’m so sorry about your camera. I know exactly what it’s like to take pictures with an older camera. Do you know what kind of camera you might be getting?

  7. Barbara Says:

    >Good job with finding all the ingredients. Yum, the pictures of the cookies before baking are making me hungry.Hope you can manage to replace the camera soon!

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